Q. How did you come up with the title of your book?
If anything life is, it's not a journey on plain terrain, it's a ride of many ups and downs and highs and lows, during which sometimes a person finds itself choked with emotions, excitement or helplessness from which there is no easy escape. Poetry was my medium to provide an escape to those choked emotions. Therefore to capture the true essence of my poetry, I came up with title, 'THE ESCAPE OF A BURNING HEART' because it indeed provided me a true safe escape from the callousness of the world.
Q. What inspired you to write this book?
During initial days in my law college, our seniors used to had introductory sessions with us, in those sessions my class fellows used to list number of skills they had some were good at sports, some at writing, dancing and many other things. I however was not aware about my skills if I had any. So the long list of skills of my class fellows inspired me to explore myself and try my hand at writing. Since I was an avid reader so inclination towards writing was natural.
Q. Among all themes and topics, why did you choose this one in particular?
If you go through the book you will see the book is not confined to any particular topic rather it contains poetry pertaining to various themes be it life, humans, nature, universe or human emotions like hope pain, love etc. The book is not result of calculations or deliberate contemplation rather it is result of emotions and feelings that I felt throughout my journey while having encounters with people or universe in whole.
Q. What personal experiences have shaped your writing the most?
Encounters with people. Whenever you meet someone or come across an incident everything leaves it's traces . It's these traces that evoke emotions be it of love, pain, hope, hatred or even an inspirational journey or memory of someone that promote you to write. In my case it's always these encounters and incidents that inspired me to write.
Q. What does being a published author mean to you, beyond seeing your words in print?
Seeing myself as a published author has always been my dream. If anything I want I want to leave an imprint in the literary realm. Seeing the print of of my book, I feel this book is a step in that direction. No doubt there is a long way to go but the book is a beginning of transformation of dream into reality.
Q. What can we, as readers expect from this book?
Just like for me it was an escape while I wrote it, I am sure for readers too it will be an escape from hitherto unexpressed emotions. This book is not just about my emotions it's about healing. It is going to provide healing to the readers for it tries to provide clear understanding of human complexities and emotions which human in real world fail to express and understand. This book emphasises on building a connection with universe and your own self through Self Love and humanity.
Q. How do you expect your readers to use this book optimally?
Don't just read this book, feel it to get it's true essence. Every time you feel stifled or stuck in life just open this book you will get answer to your unasked questions and a balm to your untended wounds.